WordPress Accessibility Plugin on Designing Mobile-Friendly, Accessible Websites

With over 2 billion users primarily using their smartphones to access the internet, optimizing websites solely for desktop viewing no longer yields benefits. Nowadays, accessibility and mobile device optimization go hand in hand. 


Fortunately, creating a mobile-friendly website is no longer as challenging as it used to be. With the popularization of WordPress accessibility plugins and extensions, you can now optimize your website even without any coding or web development experience.


Of course, note that tools only aid the process. Ultimately, you’ll need to customize and assess your layout yourself, so ensure that you know how to:

Eliminate Blocks of Text

Text appears differently on desktops and mobile devices. For instance, 50 words might only take up four lines on your desktop, but they could quickly go over six or seven lines on smaller screens.


For this reason, keep your content brief and concise. Keep each sentence under 20 words, and include no more than two sentences in each paragraph.

Reduce Page Bloat

Images and videos encourage engagement. However, adding too many high-definition assets runs the risk of page bloat. 


Reduce page sizes as much as you can. Most digital natives have short attention spans, so you’ll likely lose their interest if your website takes more than three to five seconds to load.

Check if HTML Codes Translate Correctly

Use your WordPress accessibility plugin to check if the HTML codes translate correctly on iOS and Android web surfing platforms. Otherwise, your layout might appear disorganized or distorted.

Check Button Placements

Look at your button placements depending on screen size. Ideally, your CTA buttons and one-liners should appear somewhere around the middle of the screen, regardless of whether the user is on their desktop or smartphone.

Bottom Line

Since AI-enabled WordPress accessibility plugins will do most of the work for you, you can focus on routine assessments. Keep testing your website for inconsistencies. Ask your team to run all your platforms across various mobile devices at least once a month. 


Fix accessibility issues as soon as you can. Remember: it only takes one bad experience to lose the trust of a loyal customer.
